Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Dirt Cake Redux

Oops! Seems my recollection of Sharlene's famous Dirt Cake was a little, um, muddy. Turns out it's a very easy refrigerator dessert and you don't need to make a cake to make it.

According to Shar's recipe, the strata are made with vanilla pudding jacked up with cool whip, sour cream, and lots of cream cheese (as Shar says in her comment on the original post, "If you spend less than $20 just on the dairy alone then you are doing something wrong") thickly layered with crushed chocolate-sandwich (like Oreo) cookie crumbs. A real flower (its stem wrapped in plastic wrap) goes into the top. Gummy worms are for suckers.

Now, go thee forth and fool your friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Princess (oops, I mean Queen...) glad to discover your blog. I was thinking of you last week in Italy, btw (truly, and wondering why I didn't make it to Bologna. Come back to Paris! xxx david
